SIC Code 3499 - Fabricated Metal Products

Buy Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code List and reach responsive prospects in your targeted industries with SIC Code Fabricated Metal Products. SIC Code List indicate the company's primary type of business and companies use SIC codes to identify their existing customers and potential future customers by industry. Discover and connect with potential customers and verified contact details of executives at big companies using AverickMedia's SIC Code 3499 List. Grow your sales, business, and revenue with the best SIC Code Listings. Get a SIC list of 100% verified contacts to increase engagement and improve campaign response rates. Get your verified Fabricated Metal Products Industry list now.

SIC Code Titles Total US Businesses
SIC Code 3499 Fabricated Metal Products, Nec 2,824
SIC Code 349900 Fabricated metal products, nec 975
SIC Code 34990000 Fabricated metal products, nec 975
SIC Code 349901 Fire- or burglary-resistive products 307
SIC Code 34990100 Fire- or burglary-resistive products 159
SIC Code 34990101 Bank chests, metal 10
SIC Code 34990102 Chests, fire or burglary resistive: metal 4
SIC Code 34990103 Doors, safe and vault: metal 22
SIC Code 34990104 Linings, safe and vault: metal 1
SIC Code 34990105 Locks, safe and vault: metal 27
SIC Code 34990106 Money chests, steel 5
SIC Code 34990107 Safe deposit boxes or chests, metal 14
SIC Code 34990108 Safes and vaults, metal 65
SIC Code 349902 Metal household articles 105
SIC Code 34990200 Metal household articles 96
SIC Code 34990201 Ice cream freezers, household, nonelectric:
SIC Code 34990202 Ironing boards, metal 7
SIC Code 349903 Metal ladders 70
SIC Code 34990300 Metal ladders 37
SIC Code 34990301 Ladder assemblies, combination workstand:
SIC Code 34990302 Ladders, portable: metal 23
SIC Code 349904 Novelties and giftware, including trophies 436
SIC Code 34990400 Novelties and giftware, including trophies 257
SIC Code 34990401 Giftware, brass goods 11
SIC Code 34990402 Giftware, copper goods 12
SIC Code 34990403 Novelties and specialties, metal 68
SIC Code 34990404 Trophies, metal, except silver 88
SIC Code 349999 Fabricated metal products, nec, nec 931
SIC Code 34999901 Aerosol valves, metal 85
SIC Code 34999902 Ammunition boxes, metal 11
SIC Code 34999903 Aquarium accessories, metal 13
SIC Code 34999904 Automobile seat frames, metal 20
SIC Code 34999905 Barricades, metal 104
SIC Code 34999906 Book ends, metal 0
SIC Code 34999907 Boxes for packing and shipping, metal 36
SIC Code 34999908 Chair frames, metal 10
SIC Code 34999909 Drain plugs, magnetic 4
SIC Code 34999910 Drill stands 1
SIC Code 34999911 Fountains (except drinking), metal 15
SIC Code 34999912 Friction material, made from powdered metal 51
SIC Code 34999913 Furniture parts, metal 42
SIC Code 34999914 Machine bases, metal 129
SIC Code 34999915 Magnets, permanent: metallic 80
SIC Code 34999916 Marine horns, compressed air or steam 3
SIC Code 34999917 Nozzles, spray: aerosol, paint, or
SIC Code 34999918 Picture frames, metal 73
SIC Code 34999919 Reels, cable: metal 26
SIC Code 34999920 Shims, metal 22
SIC Code 34999921 Stabilizing bars (cargo), metal 16
SIC Code 34999922 Strapping, metal 37
SIC Code 34999923 Tablets, bronze or other metal 9
SIC Code 34999924 Target drones, for use by ships: metal 6
SIC Code 34999925 Welding tips, heat resistant: metal 59
SIC Code 34999926 Wheels: wheelbarrow, stroller, etc.: disc,
stamped metal
SIC Code 34999927 Magnetic shields, metal 18

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Database of SIC Code 3499 - Related Businesses

Establishments that specialise in producing fabricated metal goods that are not otherwise classified, such as collapsible thin-walled flexible metal tubes and steel safes and vaults that are fire- and burglar-resistant. Also included are businesses that specialise in producing metal boxes, ladders, and household items made of metal like ironing boards and ice cream freezers. Concrete burial vault manufacturing facilities fall under Industry 3272, while metal burial vault manufacturing facilities fall under Industry 3995. Industry 3993 is designated for businesses that manufacture novelties for advertising.

SIC Code 3499 - Fabricated Metal Products Permanent Metallic Magnets
Safe Deposit Boxes and Chests Manufacturers SIC Code Metal Boxes for Packing and Shipping
Metal Aquarium Accessories Automobile Seat Frames Manufacturing Industry
SIC Code Machine Metal Bases Burglary Resistive Metal Manufacturers
SIC Code Collapsible Tubes for Viscous Products Metal Chair Frames
Metal Stabilizing Bars Manufacturing Company Aerosol Valves Suppliers
Metal Ammunition Boxes Manufacturers SIC Code Doors, Safe and Metal Vault
Metal Stabilizing Bars Manufacturing Company SIC Code Magnetic Metal Drain Plugs
Metal Drill Stands Manufacturing Industry Bank Chests Manufacturers
Metal Fountains Manufacturers Friction Material Manufacturing Industry
SIC Code Metal Furniture Parts SIC Code Barricades Suppliers
Ice Cream Freezers Metal Ironing Boards Manufacturers
SIC Code Portable Metal Ladders Metal Ferrules Suppliers

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These details will be verified with our AI/Fully automated process and again with the help of human data research executives to keep the Fabricated Metal Products List information up-to-date.

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Public Records Government Data
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SIC Code 3499 Fabricated Metal Products Industries Database

Peerless Av Inc New Process Steel LP Adrian Steel Co
Commercial Steel Treating Corp Mueller Industries Inc Claridge Products And Equip Inc
Shape Corp Metalcraft of Mayville Inc Latrobe Specialty Steel Co
Sun Hydraulics Corp Blue Scope Steel North Gill Industries Inc

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