SIC Code 3531 - Construction Machinery and Equipment

Buy Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code List and reach responsive prospects in your targeted industries with SIC Code Construction Machinery and Equipment. SIC Code List indicate the company's primary type of business and companies use SIC codes to identify their existing customers and potential future customers by industry. Discover and connect with potential customers and verified contact details of executives at big companies using AverickMedia's SIC Code 3531 List. Grow your sales, business, and revenue with the best SIC Code Listings. Get a SIC list of 100% verified contacts to increase engagement and improve campaign response rates. Get your verified Construction Machinery and Equipment Industry list now.

SIC Code Titles Total US Businesses
SIC Code 3531 Construction Machinery 4,095
SIC Code 353100 Construction machinery 1,331
SIC Code 35310000 Construction machinery 1,331
SIC Code 353101 Forestry related equipment 72
SIC Code 35310100 Forestry related equipment 28
SIC Code 35310101 Chippers: brush, limb, and log 11
SIC Code 35310102 Log splitters 10
SIC Code 35310103 Logging equipment 23
SIC Code 353102 Marine related equipment 133
SIC Code 35310200 Marine related equipment 121
SIC Code 35310201 Capstans, ship 1
SIC Code 35310202 Cranes, ship 8
SIC Code 35310203 Ship winches 3
SIC Code 353103 Railroad related equipment 65
SIC Code 35310300 Railroad related equipment 27
SIC Code 35310301 Ballast distributors 8
SIC Code 35310302 Cranes, locomotive 7
SIC Code 35310303 Laying equipment, rail 2
SIC Code 35310304 Railway track equipment 21
SIC Code 353104 Bituminous, cement and concrete related
products and equip.
SIC Code 35310400 Bituminous, cement and concrete related
products and equip.
SIC Code 35310401 Asphalt plant, including gravel-mix type 71
SIC Code 35310402 Batching plants, for aggregate concrete
and bulk cement
SIC Code 35310403 Bituminous batching plants 2
SIC Code 35310404 Cement silos (batch plant) 3
SIC Code 35310405 Concrete buggies, powered 3
SIC Code 35310406 Concrete grouting equipment 11
SIC Code 35310407 Concrete gunning equipment 5
SIC Code 35310408 Concrete plants 41
SIC Code 35310409 Finishers, concrete and bituminous: powered 8
SIC Code 35310410 Mixers, bituminous 0
SIC Code 35310411 Mixers, concrete 38
SIC Code 35310412 Pavers 450
SIC Code 35310413 Paving breakers 4
SIC Code 35310414 Planers, bituminous 3
SIC Code 35310415 Screeds and screeding machines 4
SIC Code 35310416 Surfacers, concrete grinding 17
SIC Code 35310417 Vibrators for concrete construction 10
SIC Code 353105 Scrapers, graders, rollers, and similar
SIC Code 35310500 Scrapers, graders, rollers, and similar
SIC Code 35310501 Backfillers, self-propelled 2
SIC Code 35310502 Finishers and spreaders (construction equipment) 18
SIC Code 35310503 Graders, road (construction machinery) 13
SIC Code 35310504 Ladder ditchers, vertical boom or wheel 5
SIC Code 35310505 Line markers, self-propelled 6
SIC Code 35310506 Pile drivers (construction machinery) 7
SIC Code 35310508 Rollers, road: steam or other power 4
SIC Code 35310509 Rollers, sheepsfoot and vibratory 2
SIC Code 35310511 Scrapers (construction machinery) 9
SIC Code 35310512 Tampers, powered 2
SIC Code 353106 Backhoes, tractors, cranes, plows, and
similar equipment
SIC Code 35310600 Backhoes, tractors, cranes, plows, and
similar equipment
SIC Code 35310601 Backhoes 562
SIC Code 35310602 Bulldozers (construction machinery) 33
SIC Code 35310603 Crane carriers 25
SIC Code 35310604 Cranes, nec 103
SIC Code 35310605 Dozers, tractor mounted: material moving 23
SIC Code 35310606 Draglines, powered 3
SIC Code 35310607 Dredging machinery 15
SIC Code 35310608 Entrenching machines 10
SIC Code 35310609 Excavators: cable, clamshell, crane, derrick,
dragline, etc.
SIC Code 35310610 Loaders, shovel: self-propelled 3
SIC Code 35310611 Shovel loaders 1
SIC Code 35310613 Subgraders (construction equipment) 7
SIC Code 35310614 Tractors, construction 26
SIC Code 35310615 Tractors, crawler 5
SIC Code 35310616 Tractors, tracklaying 4
SIC Code 35310617 Trucks, off-highway 36
SIC Code 35310618 Tunneling machinery 9
SIC Code 353107 Crushers, grinders, and similar equipment 71
SIC Code 35310700 Crushers, grinders, and similar equipment 16
SIC Code 35310701 Crushers, portable 2
SIC Code 35310702 Grinders, stone: portable 4
SIC Code 35310703 Hammer mills (rock and ore crushing machines),
SIC Code 35310704 Mixers, nec: ore, plaster, slag, sand,
mortar, etc.
SIC Code 35310705 Posthole diggers, powered 4
SIC Code 35310706 Rock crushing machinery, portable 17
SIC Code 35310707 Screeners, portable 2
SIC Code 35310708 Soil compactors: vibratory 4
SIC Code 35310709 Stone pulverizers, portable 2
SIC Code 353108 Construction machinery attachments 336
SIC Code 35310800 Construction machinery attachments 61
SIC Code 35310801 Aggregate spreaders 10
SIC Code 35310802 Backhoe mounted, hydraulically powered
SIC Code 35310803 Blades for graders, scrapers, dozers,
and snow plows
SIC Code 35310804 Bucket or scarifier teeth 5
SIC Code 35310805 Buckets, excavating: clamshell, concrete,
dragline, etc.
SIC Code 35310806 Cabs, for construction machinery 6
SIC Code 35310807 Drags, road (construction and road
maintenance equipment)
SIC Code 35310808 Grader attachments, elevating 1
SIC Code 35310809 Grapples: rock, wood, etc. 6
SIC Code 35310810 Plows: construction, excavating, and grading 84
SIC Code 35310811 Rakes, land clearing: mechanical 11
SIC Code 35310812 Snow plow attachments 30
SIC Code 35310813 Subsoiler attachments, tractor mounted 2
SIC Code 35310814 Winches 18
SIC Code 353199 Construction machinery, nec 328
SIC Code 35319901 Aerial work platforms: hydraulic/elec.
truck/carrier mounted
SIC Code 35319902 Airport construction machinery 10
SIC Code 35319903 Automobile wrecker hoists 84
SIC Code 35319904 Catch basin cleaners 2
SIC Code 35319905 Chip spreaders, self-propelled 0
SIC Code 35319906 Derricks, except oil and gas field 20
SIC Code 35319907 Mud jacks 4
SIC Code 35319908 Road construction and maintenance machinery 100
SIC Code 35319909 Roofing equipment 61
SIC Code 35319910 Wellpoint systems 5

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Database of SIC Code 3531 - Related Businesses

Establishments that manufacture primarily heavy machinery and equipment of the kind used primarily by the construction industries, such as bulldozers, concrete mixers, cranes—aside from industrial plant overhead and truck-type cranes—dredging machinery, pavers, and power shovels. Establishments primarily involved in producing forestry equipment as well as some specialised machinery not otherwise classified, used in the construction sector, are also included in this sector. Examples of such machinery include elevating platforms, ship cranes and capstans, aerial work platforms, and automobile wrecker hoists. Manufacturing companies with a focus on producing mining equipment are categorised in Industry 3532, well drilling equipment manufacturers in Industry 3533, industrial plant overhead travelling crane manufacturers in Industry 3536, and industrial truck-type crane manufacturers in Industry 3537.

SIC Code 3531 - Construction Machinery and Equipment Ballast Distributors List
Road Construction and Maintenance Machinery SIC Code Tunneling machinery
Self-Propelled Backfillers Manufacturers Rock and Ore Crushing Machines
Pile Driving Hammers Mailing Database Concrete Grouting Equipment
SIC Code Construction Cranes Screeds and Screeding Machines
Self-Propelled Line Markers SIC Code Mortar Mixers
Railroad related Equipments Piling Extractors Industry Database
SIC Code Plaster Mixers Railway Track Equipments
Construction and Road Maintenance Equipments Dredging Machinery Manufacturers
Pile Driving Equipments Concrete Gunning Equipment
Rock Crushing Machineries Rail Tamping Equipment
SIC Code Automobile Wrecker Hoists Trenching Machines Manufacturing Industry

Select your Specific Data Fields from Our Mailing Lists

Executive Full Name Verified Email Address Phone Number
Full Mailing Address Job Roles and Job Functions Business Ownership
Business Type SIC and NAICS Code Location Type
Employees at Location Annual Revenue Sales Volume
Year of Establishment Legal Structure Credit Score

How we Compile our Construction Machinery and Equipment Lists Contact Data?

These details will be verified with our AI/Fully automated process and again with the help of human data research executives to keep the Construction Machinery and Equipment List information up-to-date.

Some of our data sources

Public Records Government Data
Tradeshow & Exhibition Attendees Daily Utility Connections
New Business Filings Yellow Pages
Press Releases Credit Bureaus
SEC Filings Annual Reports
Social Media Profiles Business Registries

SIC Code 3531 Construction Machinery and Equipment Industries Database

Trail King Industries Inc Altec Industries Inc Komatsu
Kampf Machinery Corp Liebherr Concrete Tech Co Somero Enterprises Inc
Roadtec Inc Hensley Industries Inc Manitowoc Company Inc
Broadwind Energy Inc G K Enterprises Inc Maguire Products Inc

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