SIC Code 3541 - Machine Tools, Metal Cutting Types

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SIC Code Titles Total US Businesses
SIC Code 3541 Machine Tools, Metal Cutting Type 2,179
SIC Code 354100 Machine tools, metal cutting type 975
SIC Code 35410000 Machine tools, metal cutting type 975
SIC Code 354101 Drilling and boring machines 193
SIC Code 35410100 Drilling and boring machines 79
SIC Code 35410101 Boring mills 11
SIC Code 35410102 Broaching machines 14
SIC Code 35410103 Countersinking machines 0
SIC Code 35410104 Cylinder reboring machines 1
SIC Code 35410105 Drill presses 9
SIC Code 35410106 Drilling machine tools (metal cutting) 52
SIC Code 35410107 Jig boring and grinding machines 5
SIC Code 35410108 Reaming machines 1
SIC Code 35410109 Vertical turning and boring machines
SIC Code 354102 Grinding, polishing, buffing, lapping,
and honing machines
SIC Code 35410200 Grinding, polishing, buffing, lapping,
and honing machines
SIC Code 35410201 Brushing machines (metalworking machinery) 5
SIC Code 35410202 Buffing and polishing machines 7
SIC Code 35410203 Crankshaft regrinding machines 5
SIC Code 35410204 Deburring machines 26
SIC Code 35410205 Facing machines 0
SIC Code 35410206 Flange facing machines 1
SIC Code 35410207 Grinding machines, metalworking 71
SIC Code 35410208 Honing and lapping machines 6
SIC Code 35410209 Lapping machines 3
SIC Code 35410210 Pointing and burring machines 1
SIC Code 354103 Milling machines 84
SIC Code 35410300 Milling machines 72
SIC Code 35410301 Chemical milling machines 3
SIC Code 35410302 Die sinking machines 4
SIC Code 35410303 Electrochemical milling machines 5
SIC Code 354104 Lathes 213
SIC Code 35410400 Lathes 191
SIC Code 35410401 Chucking machines, automatic 1
SIC Code 35410402 Lathes, metal cutting and polishing 20
SIC Code 35410403 Turret lathes 1
SIC Code 354105 Screw and thread machines 50
SIC Code 35410500 Screw and thread machines 3
SIC Code 35410501 Pipe cutting and threading machines 15
SIC Code 35410502 Screw and nut slotting machines 3
SIC Code 35410503 Screw machines, automatic 20
SIC Code 35410504 Tapping machines 9
SIC Code 354106 Saws and sawing machines 42
SIC Code 35410600 Saws and sawing machines 19
SIC Code 35410601 Cutoff machines (metalworking machinery) 9
SIC Code 35410602 Sawing and cutoff machines (metalworking
SIC Code 35410603 Saws, power (metalworking machinery) 6
SIC Code 354199 Machine tools, metal cutting type, nec 473
SIC Code 35419901 Centering machines 5
SIC Code 35419902 Electrical discharge erosion machines 14
SIC Code 35419903 Electrolytic metal cutting machine tools 6
SIC Code 35419904 Electron-discharge metal cutting
machine tools
SIC Code 35419905 Gear cutting and finishing machines 19
SIC Code 35419906 Home workshop machine tools, metalworking 30
SIC Code 35419907 Keysetting machines 3
SIC Code 35419908 Machine tool replacement & repair parts,
metal cutting types
SIC Code 35419909 Machine tools, metal cutting: exotic (explosive, etc.) 46
SIC Code 35419910 Numerically controlled metal cutting machine tools 53
SIC Code 35419911 Planers (metal cutting machine tools) 3
SIC Code 35419912 Plasma process metal cutting machines 33
SIC Code 35419913 Robots for drilling, cutting, grinding, polishing, etc. 7
SIC Code 35419914 Shaving machines (metalworking) 2
SIC Code 35419915 Ultrasonic metal cutting machine tools 5

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Database of SIC Code 3541 - Related Businesses

Establishments primarily engaged in producing metal-cutting machine tools that shape metal by cutting or using electrical techniques, as well as in rebuilding such machine tools and producing spare parts for them. These tools are not supported in the hands of an operator when in use. Metalworking machine tools primarily intended for home workshops are also included in this sector. Manufacturing facilities that produce portable power-driven handtools are classified in Industry 3546, while those that produce facilities that produce electric and gas welding and soldering equipment are classified in Industry 3548.

SIC Code 3541 - Machine Tools, Metal Cutting Types Electrolytic Metal Cutting Machine Tools
SIC Code Grooving Machines Pipe Cutting and Threading Machines
Grinding Machines Honing and Lapping Machines
Electrochemical Milling Machines SIC Code Tapping Machines
Ultrasonic Metal Cutting Machine Tools SIC Code Lapping Machines
Drilling Machine Tools Gear Cutting and Finishing Machines
Automatic Chucking Machines Drilling and Milling Machines
Broaching Machines Chemical Milling Machines
Polishing Machines Jig Grinding Machines
Screw and Nut Slotting Machines Rifle Working Machines
Gear Tooth Grinding Machines Sewing and Cutoff Machines
Pipe Cutting Machines Electrical Discharge Grinding Machines
Valve Grinding Machines SIC Code Home Workshop Machine Tools
Metalworking Machinery Buffing and Polishing Machines

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These details will be verified with our AI/Fully automated process and again with the help of human data research executives to keep the Machine Tools, Metal Cutting Types List information up-to-date.

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SIC Code 3541 Machine Tools, Metal Cutting Types Industries Database

Gleason Corp Sunnen Products Co Makino Inc
ATW Companies Inc Belco Industries Inc H3D Tool Corp
IDEX Corp Cosmo/Kabar Hartwig Inc
Coilhose Pneumatics Inc Hurco Companies Inc Milacron Plastics Technologies

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