SIC Code 7389 - Business Services

Buy Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code List and reach responsive prospects in your targeted industries with SIC Code Business Services. SIC Code List indicate the company's primary type of business and companies use SIC codes to identify their existing customers and potential future customers by industry. Discover and connect with potential customers and verified contact details of executives at big companies using AverickMedia's SIC Code 7389 List. Grow your sales, business, and revenue with the best SIC Code Listings. Get a SIC list of 100% verified contacts to increase engagement and improve campaign response rates. Get your verified Business Services Industry list now.

SIC Code Titles Total US Businesses
SIC Code 7389 Business Services, Nec 1,239,028
SIC Code 738900 Business services, nec 117,589
SIC Code 73890000 Business services, nec 117,589
SIC Code 738901 Personal service agents, brokers, and bureaus 26,458
SIC Code 73890100 Personal service agents, brokers, and bureaus 24,625
SIC Code 73890101 Artists' agents and brokers 695
SIC Code 73890102 Authors' agents and brokers 148
SIC Code 73890103 Brokers, contract services 580
SIC Code 73890104 Lecture bureau 173
SIC Code 73890105 Playwrights' brokers 15
SIC Code 73890106 Speakers' bureau 222
SIC Code 738902 Inspection and testing services 32,752
SIC Code 73890200 Inspection and testing services 19,021
SIC Code 73890201 Air pollution measuring service 259
SIC Code 73890202 Athletic equipment inspection service 23
SIC Code 73890203 Building inspection service 11,904
SIC Code 73890204 Commodities sampling 52
SIC Code 73890205 Commodity inspection 66
SIC Code 73890206 Cotton sampling and inspection service 6
SIC Code 73890207 Industrial and commercial equipment inspection service 295
SIC Code 73890208 Petroleum refinery inspection service 111
SIC Code 73890209 Pipeline and power line inspection service 369
SIC Code 73890210 Safety inspection service 531
SIC Code 73890211 Sewer inspection service 115
SIC Code 738903 Advertising, promotional, and trade show services 7,920
SIC Code 73890300 Advertising, promotional, and trade show services 3,006
SIC Code 73890301 Convention and show services 2,526
SIC Code 73890302 Coupon redemption service 108
SIC Code 73890303 Demonstration service 85
SIC Code 73890304 Embroidery advertising 551
SIC Code 73890305 Exhibit construction by industrial contractors 224
SIC Code 73890306 Field audits, cable television 64
SIC Code 73890307 Mannequin decorating service 10
SIC Code 73890308 Promoters of shows and exhibitions 551
SIC Code 73890309 Trade show arrangement 704
SIC Code 73890310 Trading stamp promotion and redemption 31
SIC Code 73890311 Window trimming service 60
SIC Code 738904 Textile and apparel services 3,805
SIC Code 73890400 Textile and apparel services 1,215
SIC Code 73890401 Apparel designers, commercial 584
SIC Code 73890402 Apparel pressing service 23
SIC Code 73890403 Batik work 5
SIC Code 73890404 Cloth cutting, bolting, or winding 94
SIC Code 73890405 Corset representatives, fitting only 12
SIC Code 73890406 Hand painting, textile 147
SIC Code 73890407 Hosiery pairing 2
SIC Code 73890408 Rug binding 15
SIC Code 73890409 Styling of fashions, apparel, furniture, textiles, etc. 1,198
SIC Code 73890410 Styling, wigs 283
SIC Code 73890411 Textile designers 201
SIC Code 73890412 Textile folding and packing services 16
SIC Code 73890413 Textiles, sponging or shrinking 10
SIC Code 738905 Reservation services 1,079
SIC Code 73890500 Reservation services 222
SIC Code 73890501 Accomodation locating services 415
SIC Code 73890502 Hotel and motel reservation service 268
SIC Code 73890503 Restaurant reservation service 174
SIC Code 738906 Interior design services 36,697
SIC Code 73890600 Interior design services 15,445
SIC Code 73890601 Decoration service for special events 3,201
SIC Code 73890602 Interior designer 12,916
SIC Code 73890603 Interior decorating 5,135
SIC Code 738907 Finishing services 1,319
SIC Code 73890700 Finishing services 996
SIC Code 73890701 Bathroom fixture reglazing 45
SIC Code 73890702 Furniture finishing 110
SIC Code 73890703 Laminating service 168
SIC Code 738908 Mapmaking services 554
SIC Code 73890800 Mapmaking services 160
SIC Code 73890801 Mapmaking or drafting, including aerial 183
SIC Code 73890802 Photogrammatic mapping 211
SIC Code 738909 Financial services 27,492
SIC Code 73890900 Financial services 24,835
SIC Code 73890901 Charge account service 81
SIC Code 73890902 Check validation service 54
SIC Code 73890903 Credit card service 2,510
SIC Code 738910 Telephone services 7,026
SIC Code 73891000 Telephone services 3,630
SIC Code 73891001 Telephone answering service 1,777
SIC Code 73891002 Correct time service 32
SIC Code 73891003 Switchboard operation, private branch exchanges 16
SIC Code 73891004 Teleconferencing services 140
SIC Code 73891005 Telemarketing services 1,244
SIC Code 73891006 Telephone directory distribution, contract or fee basis 58
SIC Code 73891007 Telephone solicitation service 26
SIC Code 73891008 Pay telephone network 103
SIC Code 738911 Music and broadcasting services 12,982
SIC Code 73891100 Music and broadcasting services 4,863
SIC Code 73891101 Music copying service 65
SIC Code 73891102 Music distribution systems 225
SIC Code 73891103 Radio broadcasting music checkers 64
SIC Code 73891104 Radio transcription service 168
SIC Code 73891105 Recording studio, noncommercial records 5,771
SIC Code 73891106 Music recording producer 1,762
SIC Code 73891107 Audio cassette duplication services 64
SIC Code 738912 Packaging and labeling services 2,998
SIC Code 73891200 Packaging and labeling services 2,943
SIC Code 73891201 Labeling bottles, cans, cartons, etc. 45
SIC Code 73891202 Mounting merchandise on cards 10
SIC Code 738913 Legal and tax services 25,216
SIC Code 73891300 Legal and tax services 2,973
SIC Code 73891301 Arbitration and conciliation service 1,746
SIC Code 73891302 Bail bonding 6,584
SIC Code 73891303 Bondsperson 340
SIC Code 73891304 Copyright protection service 54
SIC Code 73891305 Drawback service, customs 19
SIC Code 73891306 Notary publics 10,189
SIC Code 73891307 Paralegal service 1,530
SIC Code 73891308 Patent brokers 114
SIC Code 73891309 Process serving service 755
SIC Code 73891310 Repossession service 607
SIC Code 73891311 Tax collection agency 269
SIC Code 73891312 Tax title dealers 36
SIC Code 738914 Auction, appraisal, and exchange services 14,964
SIC Code 73891400 Auction, appraisal, and exchange services 4,484
SIC Code 73891401 Appraisers, except real estate 2,068
SIC Code 73891402 Auctioneers, fee basis 5,785
SIC Code 73891403 Barter exchange 132
SIC Code 73891404 Bottle exchange 16
SIC Code 73891405 Bottle sorting 33
SIC Code 73891406 Flea market 918
SIC Code 73891407 Merchandise liquidators 1,345
SIC Code 73891408 Time-share condominium exchange 183
SIC Code 738915 Lettering and sign painting services 1,152
SIC Code 73891500 Lettering and sign painting services 278
SIC Code 73891501 Lettering service 140
SIC Code 73891502 Show card and poster painting 11
SIC Code 73891503 Sign painting and lettering shop 723
SIC Code 738916 Mailing and messenger services 11,279
SIC Code 73891600 Mailing and messenger services 669
SIC Code 73891601 Courier or messenger service 2,793
SIC Code 73891602 Florist telegraph service 17
SIC Code 73891603 Mailbox rental and related service 7,586
SIC Code 73891604 Post office contract stations 125
SIC Code 73891605 Presorted mail service 89
SIC Code 738917 Brokers' services 7,447
SIC Code 73891700 Brokers' services 3,070
SIC Code 73891701 Brokers, business: buying and selling business enterprises 1,894
SIC Code 73891702 Fish broker 83
SIC Code 73891703 Log and lumber broker 161
SIC Code 73891704 Photography brokers 254
SIC Code 73891705 Yacht brokers 1,073
SIC Code 73891706 Printing broker 912
SIC Code 738918 Design services 251,299
SIC Code 73891800 Design services 249,646
SIC Code 73891801 Design, commercial and industrial 1,590
SIC Code 73891802 Hand tool designers 32
SIC Code 73891803 Shoe designers 31
SIC Code 738919 Metal cutting services 386
SIC Code 73891900 Metal cutting services 250
SIC Code 73891901 Metal slitting and shearing 62
SIC Code 73891902 Scrap steel cutting 74
SIC Code 738999 Business services, nec, nec 648,614
SIC Code 73899901 Automobile recovery service 1,357
SIC Code 73899902 Balloons, novelty and toy 124
SIC Code 73899903 Bronzing, baby shoes 17
SIC Code 73899904 Building scale models 67
SIC Code 73899905 Child restraint seat, automotive: rental 16
SIC Code 73899906 Coffee service 715
SIC Code 73899907 Contractors' disbursement control 106
SIC Code 73899908 Cosmetic kits, assembling and packaging 102
SIC Code 73899909 Crane and aerial lift service 785
SIC Code 73899910 Divers, commercial 358
SIC Code 73899911 Document and office record destruction 1,101
SIC Code 73899912 Document embossing 33
SIC Code 73899913 Drafting service, except temporary help 1,573
SIC Code 73899914 Drive-a-way automobile service 105
SIC Code 73899915 Engraving service 1,538
SIC Code 73899916 Engrossing: diplomas, resolutions, etc. 10
SIC Code 73899917 Field warehousing 120
SIC Code 73899918 Filling pressure containers 24
SIC Code 73899919 Fire extinguisher servicing 1,196
SIC Code 73899920 Fire protection service other than forestry or public 2,047
SIC Code 73899921 Flagging service (traffic control) 304
SIC Code 73899922 Float decoration 29
SIC Code 73899923 Fund raising organizations 6,132
SIC Code 73899924 Gas system conversion 37
SIC Code 73899925 Grinding, precision: commercial or industrial 275
SIC Code 73899926 Handwriting analysis 87
SIC Code 73899927 Human skeleton preparation 4
SIC Code 73899928 Ice surface maintenance: hockey, curling, etc. 9
SIC Code 73899929 Inventory computing service 647
SIC Code 73899930 Marine reporting 70
SIC Code 73899931 Meter readers, remote 53
SIC Code 73899932 Microfilm recording and developing service 179
SIC Code 73899933 Office facilities and secretarial service rental 3,097
SIC Code 73899934 Patrol of electric transmission or gas lines 21
SIC Code 73899935 Personal investigation service 1,310
SIC Code 73899936 Photographic library service 48
SIC Code 73899937 Pilot car escort service 149
SIC Code 73899938 Plant care service 345
SIC Code 73899939 Press clipping service 33
SIC Code 73899940 Printed circuitry graphic layout 99
SIC Code 73899941 Product sterilization service 44
SIC Code 73899942 Purchasing service 614
SIC Code 73899943 Racetrack cleaning, except buildings 7
SIC Code 73899944 Relocation service 746
SIC Code 73899945 Salvaging of damaged merchandise, service only 117
SIC Code 73899946 Sewing contractor 768
SIC Code 73899947 Solvents recovery service 30
SIC Code 73899948 Swimming pool and hot tub service and maintenance 11,634
SIC Code 73899949 Tape slitting 7
SIC Code 73899950 Tobacco sheeting service 1
SIC Code 73899951 Tombstone engraving 31
SIC Code 73899952 Tourist information bureau 1,192
SIC Code 73899953 Translation services 6,841
SIC Code 73899954 Water softener service 2,214
SIC Code 73899955 Weighing, food and commodity 45
SIC Code 73899956 Welcoming services 96
SIC Code 73899957 Aquarium design and maintenance 212
SIC Code 73899958 Subscription fulfillment services: magazine, newspaper, etc. 233
SIC Code 73899959 Explosives recovery or extraction services 28
SIC Code 73899960 Estimating service, construction 464
SIC Code 73899961 Aquatic weed maintenance 73
SIC Code 73899962 Printers' services: folding, collating, etc. 400
SIC Code 73899963 Bicycle assembly service 49
SIC Code 73899964 Product endorsement service 60
SIC Code 73899965 Inventory stocking service 116
SIC Code 73899966 Document storage service 305
SIC Code 73899967 Tenant screening service 60
SIC Code 73899999 Business services at non-commercial site 593,050

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Database of SIC Code 7389 - Related Businesses

Businesses whose main activity is the commission- or fee-based provision of business services that are not otherwise classified, such as bondsmen, drafting services, lecture bureaus, notaries public, sign painting, speakers' bureaus, water softening services, and auctioneering services. Used car and agricultural commodity auctions, including those for livestock and produce, fall under the category of wholesale trade.

SIC Code 7389 - Business Services Credit Card Services
SIC Code Flagging Services Textile Folding and Packing Services
Buying and Selling Business Enterprises Product Sterilization Services
Florists Telegraph Services Water Softener Services
Folding and Refolding Services Hotel Reservation Services
Identification Engraving Services Map Drafting Services
Packaging and Labeling Services SIC Code Authors Agents and Brokers
Arbitration and Conciliation Services SIC Code Translation Services
Window Trimming Services Business Brokers Contact List
Microfilm Recording and Developing Services Cotton Inspection Services
Parcel Packing Services Radio Transcription Services
Mannequin Decorating Services Cotton Sampler Services
Check Validation Services Presorting Mail Services
SIC Code Automobile Recovery Services Copyright Protection Services
Inventory Computing Services SIC Code Coupon Redemption Services

Select your Specific Data Fields from Our Mailing Lists

Executive Full Name Verified Email Address Phone Number
Full Mailing Address Job Roles and Job Functions Business Ownership
Business Type SIC and NAICS Code Location Type
Employees at Location Annual Revenue Sales Volume
Year of Establishment Legal Structure Credit Score

How we Compile our Business Services Lists Contact Data?

These details will be verified with our AI/Fully automated process and again with the help of human data research executives to keep the Business Servicess List information up-to-date.

Some of our data sources

Public Records Government Data
Tradeshow & Exhibition Attendees Daily Utility Connections
New Business Filings Yellow Pages
Press Releases Credit Bureaus
SEC Filings Annual Reports
Social Media Profiles Business Registries

SIC Code 7389 Business Services Industries Database

Marathon Cheese Corp iHeartMedia Inc Forcepoint, LLC
Volcom Inc Workday Inc ICF International Inc
Microsoft Corp Aramark Genpact
Mu Sigma CME Group Inc Nalco Water

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