SIC Code 28 - Chemicals and Allied Products

Buy Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code List and reach responsive prospects in your targeted industries with SIC Code Chemicals and Allied Products List. SIC Code List indicate the company's primary type of business and companies use SIC codes to identify their existing customers and potential future customers by industry. Discover and connect with potential customers and verified contact details of executives at big companies using AverickMedia's SIC Code 28 List. Grow your sales, business, and revenue with the best SIC Code Listings. Get a SIC list of 100% verified contacts to increase engagement and improve campaign response rates. Get your verified Chemicals and Allied Products Industry list now.

SIC Code Titles Total US Businesses
SIC Code 28 Chemicals and Allied Products 44,810
SIC Code 2812 Alkalies and Chlorine 210
SIC Code 2813 Industrial Gases 1,240
SIC Code 2816 Inorganic Pigments 144
SIC Code 2819 Industrial Inorganic Chemicals, Nec 2,821
SIC Code 2821 Plastics Materials and Resins 3,044
SIC Code 2822 Synthetic Rubber 267
SIC Code 2823 Cellulosic Manmade Fibers 42
SIC Code 2824 Organic Fibers, Noncellulosic 188
SIC Code 2833 Medicinals and Botanicals 1,413
SIC Code 2834 Pharmaceutical Preparations 9,207
SIC Code 2835 Diagnostic Substances 892
SIC Code 2836 Biological Products, Except Diagnostic 1,817
SIC Code 2841 Soap and Other Detergents 1,481
SIC Code 2842 Polishes and Sanitation Goods 2,290
SIC Code 2843 Surface Active Agents 162
SIC Code 2844 Toilet Preparations 5,657
SIC Code 2851 Paints and Allied Products 2,232
SIC Code 2861 Gum and Wood Chemicals 92
SIC Code 2865 Cyclic Crudes and Intermediates 265
SIC Code 2869 Industrial Organic Chemicals, Nec 3,494
SIC Code 2873 Nitrogenous Fertilizers 464
SIC Code 2874 Phosphatic Fertilizers 107
SIC Code 2875 Fertilizers, Mixing Only 618
SIC Code 2879 Agricultural Chemicals, Nec 1,036
SIC Code 2891 Adhesives and Sealants 1,177
SIC Code 2892 Explosives 236
SIC Code 2893 Printing Ink 635
SIC Code 2895 Carbon Black 56
SIC Code 2899 Chemical Preparations, Nec 3,523

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Choose from over 10,000 SIC codes based on your target SIC Code industry to access a customized database of SIC 28 Chemicals and Allied Products List. Promote your business and marketing with SIC Code 28 Email List and segmented email campaigns. Customize Chemicals and Allied Products list using 4 digit SIC code or 6 digit SIC Codes. Help your business reach and market to the global market with 85-95% contact accuracy and maximum email inbox delivery from AverickMedia. Send GDPR-compliant email campaigns to SIC Code Industry Lists for fast sales lead generation. Understand your SIC Data and ensure it is accurate, verified and complete to make marketing decisions with confidence. Reach our sales team to Find Business Lists by SIC Code and Buy Email Lists by Industry for targeted campaigns. You can use our SIC Code Lookup tools to find the List of SIC codes.

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Database of SIC Code 28 - Related Businesses

This major category covers businesses that manufacture basic chemicals as well as businesses that produce goods primarily using chemical processes. Establishments in this major group produce three different types of products: basic chemicals (such as acids, alkalies, salts, and organic chemicals), intermediate chemicals (such as synthetic fibres, plastic materials, dry colours, and pigments), and finished chemicals (such as drugs, cosmetics, and soaps) that are intended for final consumption. Mining, Industry Group 147, is responsible for the extraction of natural alkalies, other naturally occurring potassium, sodium, and boron compounds, natural rock salt, and other natural chemicals and fertilisers.

SIC Code 28 - Chemicals and Allied Products Industrial Inorganic Chemicals
Soap and other Detergent Manufacturing Plastics Materials and Synthetic Resins Manufacturers
Synthetic Rubber Manufacturers SIC Code Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
SIC Code Soap, Detergents, and Cleaning Preparations Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels, and Allied Products
Industrial Organic Chemicals Adhesives and Sealants Manufacturers
Agricultural Chemicals Manufacturers and Suppliers Chemical Manufacturing Company
Perfumes, Cosmetics, and Other Toilet Preparations Miscellaneous Chemical Products

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Executive Full Name Verified Email Address Phone Number
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How we Compile our Chemicals and Allied Products Mailing Lists Contact Data?

These details will be verified with our AI/Fully automated process and again with the help of human data research executives to keep the Chemicals and Allied Products Mailing List information up-to-date.

Some of our data sources

Public Records Government Data
Tradeshow & Exhibition Attendees Daily Utility Connections
New Business Filings Yellow Pages
Press Releases Credit Bureaus
SEC Filings Annual Reports
Social Media Profiles Business Registries

SIC Code 28 - Chemicals and Allied Products Industries Database

Agios Pharmaceuticals Inc Ultragenyx Pharmaceuticals Inc Dow Chemical Co
Johnson And Johnson Amphastar Pharmaceuticals Inc Reagent Chemical And Research Inc
Whitford Worldwide Co United Therapeutics Corp PPG Industries Inc
Haworth Inc Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc Westlake Chemical CorpAmgen Inc

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